Sunday, October 26, 2008

A sad day...

Papa Andy passed last night...although it was a long time coming; it's also so sad to see another person leave us. I feel really bad for grandma...she's seen so many people go in her life and I know she'll be lonely now. I'm just hoping that he went in peace. I know he had been in pain for a while.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Not a hangover

So Josh was so hungover after Friday night, but he's still sick!!! Really it's more than a hangover. It just sucks that his break is being spent in bed. Plus, I was hoping he would do touch ups around the house so we could rent it and buy another place.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

It's over!!!

The drill field no more.................and we couldn't be happier. We had a blast at the Shout House tonight with a group of our friends...Josh and a few of his buddies drank alot!!! A man was sitting next to us and bought all of our drinks because he use to be a Marine 30 years ago. Pictures of the night will get posted much fun though...we got Josh and Zach on stage twice for "head, shoulders, knees and toes" and "I'm too sexy for my shirt"!!!!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Fall 2008

It's official...Josh is done with the Drill Field in the morning...we couldn't be more relieved!!! He'll have 2 weeks off before checking into his new squadron and deploying in January. We hope to make the best of the next couple of weeks and are contemplating purchasing a second home before he leaves. Real Estate is slow right now and I don't think it will pick up until the new year...hopefully 2009 will bring relief to people and the Real Estate market.